Higher-ed programs for manufacturers in Eastern Massachusetts
Ordered alphabetically by programs available (a)School | Description | Contact |
Bristol Community College, Engineering Technology Department 777 Elsbree St., Fall River 02720 774-357-2947 • bristolcc.edu | Associate in science in engineering technology with concentrations in mechanical, automation, electrical, electro- mechanical with green energy, off-shore wind power Collaboration:Students learn to solve complex manufacturing problems using computer- aided design, evaluation and simulation techniques and engineering principles; aspects of manufacturing such as materials processing (traditional and CNC), industrial automation, material science, hydraulics, computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM), and computer-integrated manufacturing (CIM) are covered Lab(s) and equipment:N/A | Eileen Young department chair, eileen.young@bristolcc.edu Mary Cass professor, mary.cass@bristolcc.edu Carmen Aguilar workforce development contact, 508-678-2811, carmen.aguilar@bristolcc.edu |
Cape Cod Community College 2240 Iyannough Road, West Barnstable 02668 508-362-2131 • www.capecod.edu | Certificate in engineering design and digital manufacturing Collaboration:Foundational and practical skills in three dimensional solid modeling, mechanical part digital fabrication and robotic automation to aid the modern manufacturing enterprise Lab(s) and equipment:Additive and subtractive manufacturing equipment including fused filament fabrication, laser polymerization stereolithography (SLA), and computerized numerical control (CNC) machines | Hemant Chikarmane professor, 774-330-4363, hchikarmane@capecod.edu Tammi Jacobsen workforce development contact, 508-375-5011, tjacobsen@capecod.edu |
Center for Advanced Materials UMass Lowell, Olney Hall, Lowell 01854 978-934-3695 • www.uml.edu/Research/ CAM | Multi-disciplinary research and resource center with state-of-the-art facilities and expert personnel; its goal is the development of a knowledge base in the design, synthesis, characterization and intelligent processing of advanced materials for a sustainable industrial economy Collaboration:Research, publications, patents; detail about government and industry partnerships found here: www.uml.edu/ Research/CAM/Governmental-Industrial- and-Institutional-Interactions.aspx Lab(s) and equipment:Optical properties measurements lab, microscopy lab, diffraction lab, gamma ray light source and renewable materials lab | Susan Damore staff assistant, 978-934-1722, Susan_Damore@uml.edu |
Mass Bay Community College (b) 50 Oakland St., Wellesley 02481 781-239-3113 • www.massbay.edu | Twelve-month, three semester long fast track program offering certificates in advanced manufacturing innovation and advanced manufacturing technology; courses in computer-aided design Collaboration:Provides a pathway to a future degree; students develop skills for today's industry through completing relevant hands-on course work, projects and internship/co- op; graduates may seek positions as detailers, drafters, CAD operators. CNC programmers and QA/QC technicians Lab(s) and equipment:N/A | Shamsi Moussavi professor, 781-239-2240, smoussavi@massbay.edu Center for Corporate Training and Education 781-239-2700, cctce@massbay.edu |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Laboratory for Manufacturing and Productivity 77 Massachusetts Ave., Room 35-231, Cambridge 02139 617-258-5622 • lmp.mit.edu | Faculty and staff from the Department of Mechanical Engineering participate in wide- ranging programs involving many other departments and programs at MIT Collaboration:Representatives of industrial firms associated with the laboratory's research and education also contribute important perspectives Lab(s) and equipment:Machine shop | Haden Quinlan senior administrative assistant, 617-253-2228 hquinlan@mit.edu Bill Buckley head of machine shop, bbuckley@mit.edu |
Middlesex Community College, Computing and Engineering Department (c) 591 Springs Road, Bedford 01730 800-818-3434 • www.middlesex.mass.edu | Precision machining certificate program Collaboration:Nine-month program prepares students for in-demand, entry-level jobs in advanced manufacturing Lab(s) and equipment:300 hours of hands-on precision machining training at the new state-of-the-art machining laboratory at Nashoba Valley Technical High School in Westford | Michele Stein chair, 781-280-3932, steinm@middlesex.mass.edu Judith Burke workforce development contact, 978-656-3143, burkej@middlesex.mass.edu |
Northeastern University, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 360 Huntington Ave., Boston 02115 617-373-2000 • northeastern.edu | Wide variety of educational opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students Collaboration:Industrial work experience as part of a top ranked cooperative education program; international experiences can be gained through taking a semester abroad at a partner institution, working on co-op abroad or participating in a global dialogues program Lab(s) and equipment:Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing, Advanced Materials Processing Laboratory (AMPL), biomedical mechatronics laboratory, bio- nano robotics, complex dynamic systems and control laboratory, computational energy and combustion laboratory, intelligent human-machine systems (IHMS) laboratory, micro/nano biomechanical characterization laboratory, thermodynamics and combustion laboratory | Alison Nogueira director of co-op, a.nogueira@northeastern.edu Cheryl Arruda associate co-op coordinator, c.arruda@northeastern.edu |
Northern Essex Community College (d) 100 Elliott St,, Haverhill 01830 978-556-3000 • www.necc.mass.edu | Intensive noncredit course in CNC mills and lathes combines lecture, demonstration, discussion and lab exercises Collaboration:Northeast Advanced Manufacturing Consortium Grant Fund supports CNC machine operator training program Lab(s) and equipment:Machining labs at Whittier Technical School in Haverhill and Greater Lawrence Technical School in Andover | Sharon Schoolcraft coordinator, 978-556-3062, sschoolcraft@necc.mass.edu Kimberly Jones professor, 978-556-3067, kjones@necc.mass.edu George Moriarty workforce development contact, 978-659-1224, gmoriarty@necc.mass.edu |
Tufts University 419 Boston Ave., Medford 02155 617-627-3237 • engineering.tufts.edu | Graduate certificate in manufacturing engineering; professional development in areas such as six-sigma, supply chain management, engineering management and more Collaboration:Tufts Gordon Institute develops technology leaders for the skills hard to learn on the job: problem solving, business modeling, leadership; all taught by faculty with industry experience Lab(s) and equipment:N/A | Jessica Bartlett program coordinator, 617-627-0665, jessica.bartlett@tufts.edu Mary Ann DiRamio administrative assistant, 617-627-3110, mary.diramio@tufts.edu |
UMass Dartmouth, College of Engineering 285 Old Westport Road, Dartmouth 02747 508-999-8000 • www.umassd.edu/ engineering | The Mechanical Engineering department offers a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering with an option in manufacturing Collaboration:Students learn the fundamentals of problem-solving and design through hands-on learning, participation in real- world projects and work with faculty on their research Lab(s) and equipment:Controls lab, engine lab, fluid dynamics lab, manufacturing lab, materials testing lab, robotics Lab, thermal systems lab | Sankha Bhowmick professor, 508-999-8619, sbhowmick@umassd.edu |
University of Massachusetts Lowell 1 University Ave., Lowell 01852 978-934-4000 • www.uml.edu | Division of online and continuing education offers a certificate program in manufacturing technology; many credits can be applied toward a bachelor of science in mechanical engineering Collaboration:Courses in engineering graphics, computer-aided drafting, manufacturing technology laboratory, manufacturing processes, manufacturing productivity, engineering economics and applied computer-aided manufacturing Lab(s) and equipment:N/A | Continuing Education Office 978-934-2474, Continuing_Education@uml.edu |
Venture Development Center UMass Boston Wheatley Hall, 100 Morrissey Blvd., Boston 02125 617-287-60701 • www.umb.edu/vdc | Business incubator for emerging technology with 27 companies in residence Collaboration:Early venture support programs and a network designed to meet the needs of startup ventures; over 175 students have partcipated in internships and jobs; entrepreneurs lecture in classes, guide student projects and mentor budding entrepreneurs Lab(s) and equipment:State-of-the-art, 18,000-square- foot incubator with a wide range of instruments and an animal facility | William Brah founder & director, vdc@umb.edu |
Source: College websites N/A = not available.
(a) This list is not intended to be exhaustive, but to provide an overview of the institutions of higher learning that have a specific focus on manufacturing; contact schools directly for more detail on how to engage as a student or employer. If your school belongs on this list, please, contact research@nebusinessmedia.com
(b) Framingham campus at 19 Flagg Drive
(c) Lowell campus at 33 Kearney Square
(d) Lawrence campus at 45 Franklin St.
Compiled by: Stephanie R. Meagher, smeagher@nebusinessmedia.com