Massachusetts Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MassMEP)

MassMEP creates economic impact by transforming manufacturing enterprises and the manufacturing ecosystem.

Company Profile


Address: 27A Midstate Drive STE 200
Auburn, Massachusetts 01501

Full Time Employees: 35

Year Founded: 1996

President/CEO: John Killam


MassMEP provides manufacturers with transformational solutions in the areas of Operational Excellence, Workforce Strategies, Innovative Growth Solutions, and access to the Manufacturing USA Institutes.


We work with small to medium sized manufacturers and our manufacturing partners across the Commonwealth.

Careers/Job Opportunities

Wendy Storm’s experience: As part of MassMEP’s Workforce Development team, my primary focus is to oversee the implementation and continuous improvement of the MACWIC Applied Manufacturing Technology Pathway. This advanced manufacturing credentialing system is industry developed and designed to support vital manufacturing growth initiatives, not only enabling employers to match candidates who have the right competencies for a position, but reducing hiring costs in the process. I go into technical high schools, community colleges and continuing adult education programs and proctor the MACWIC benchmark testing. These results are used to assess basic student competencies in entry-level areas of manufacturing. MassMEP implemented and maintains this valuable workforce tool to assist our manufacturing partners, all with no cost to schools or students. It is the only industry-recognized credentialing system incorporated into the Massachusetts Department of Education Chapter 74 Machine Tool Technology curriculum framework, and has been adopted by the MA Community Colleges and Workforce Development Transformation Agenda as “a quality career pathway.”

MassMEP has provided me with several opportunities to work on new projects, such as their new initiative “Manufacturing Your Career.” The need for new manufacturing employees remains great. MassMEP recognizes that many parents, teachers and guidance counselors may not fully understand the vast career opportunities available through manufacturing. We will focus outreach on traditional high school students who may not have vocational pathways or plans to go on to college or into the military. We will work to help increase awareness by facilitating connections between the schools and the manufacturing community.

2020/21 Sponsors

webster five

Digital Magazine

Stuff Print Edition MA 2020